Wednesday 14 May 2014


In this module I was learning about Rotoscoping and the styles that it can hold, I liked doing this module because it was something I had like to do often and I wanted to really expand on.
I personally liked the task where we had to animate an eye, I had never animated an eye before and I thought it would be difficult, but once I done it actually looked rather cool. 
Animating the eye and the walk cycle gave me confidence in doing animated movements in just a few frames as I had a really bad habit of doing things in far too many frames. 
I was looking in an animating book that I had and it explained that when drawing mouth movements that you don't need to put every single frame in there just the movements of the mouth to be perfectly synced with the sounds, I like this and it always fascinates me.

I think that my final animation could have been a bit better as I didn't manage to complete it, but I did get my initial point across buy drawing some lip syncing and movements, I also slowed down some of the frames when the person in my animation isn't moving very erratically.  

The rotoscoping process

 The process of making this animation was to first download the video, which I got off of Vimeo.

Then to make the video into a FLV with Adobe Premier.

Then because the frames are now in the time line they are now traceable. :)

my style is very distinctive and rather scrawly.

Getting the video to play back to see the progress, with Ctrl and Enter.

This gif is the final rendering of my animation,
It's not as good as I had hoped it would be,  but that it down to my own silliness and I know to next time plan things ahead before just jumping into an animation.

Idea presentation.

My idea was to take something normal and to make it simplistic through rotoscoping.
The video of my choice was a video called After ever after, because it features a parody taking the mick out of Disney film endings by being realistic and somewhat cynical about them.
I chose this because it's the same person in am acapella taking turns to sing their parts.. I wanted to focus on the speech that the guy was doing and focus on the mouth movements, I wanted to show that even with little details that lip syncing in animation is still very apparent and that it will match up with the sounds in the video, Also in parts where there is no real movement I wanted to do frames slower so that less attention is brought to the slides where the guy isn't really talking, the only reason for this is that if you want to see the person talking and hear him, you need your attention to be focussed on him and with the frames slowing down, it will just look like a stationary image, and the eyes them move on to the image that is moving at a faster pace.. I also want to have some colours to each of the frames, like the ones that are in the original video, but to only appear when he is making sound.

I have a very distinctive style when it comes to rotoscoping and that is that it is very scratchy and very minimal, I like this, because it looks to abstract.